Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tonight was an exciting night as Davis was standing well on his own. He was pretty pleased with himself and laughed and clapped each time he fell. The last several days he would stand only briefly and fall BUT today he made great progress. We will have to wait and see how long until he takes his first step. Stay tuned...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Playground Fun

Last weekend we went to the Duke Park and Davis enjoyed swinging and playing on the playground equipment. Here are some of the pictures from our fun time together.

Here's a video we made from our vacation at the farm in West Virginia.

First Post

This is the inaugural post for "A Pair of PAs" blog site. Chris is in his second year of PA school at Duke, and I've been working at Duke in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology for almost 2 years. We'll mostly be using this site to keep our family updated about our lives here in Durham. Feel free to check in every now and again to see what's going on!

