Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Firetrucks oh my!!

Ok so this our first blog posted without pictures.... and do we wish we had pictures. Today we decided to get Randy's Pizza for dinner because we were hungry and didn't want to fix dinner. So Chris, Davis and I met after work and when we pulled into the parking lot I noticed two firetrucks spread across the lot. (No lights and no sirens... yet) Of course we pointed to the trucks and Davis smiled and said "vroom vroom". We walked into Randy's and there were about 8 Durham firefighters eating dinner. We of course said hello and I told the men that we were admiring the trucks in the parking lot and that our son Davis was excited to see the trucks. Soon 3 firefighters quickly left the restaurant and another firefighter said they were responding to a call and encouraged us to go watch as they were going to turn on their sirens.

Davis and I quickly walked outside and eagerly awaited the "lights and sirens" but nothing happened. Our friendly firefighter came out and told me it a false alarm ---- bummer I was thinking until he said here bring him to the truck we will turn on the lights. As we got closer the lights came on and then he invited us to hop in for a closer look. Davis was scared at first and wanted Daddy to come in with him. We were standing in the back of the truck where all the bucket seats are for the firefighters and they were letting Davis look and explore the truck some. We only stayed inside for a minute or so but it was cool. We were invited to come to the Fire Station whenever we would like to have a tour of the trucks. We ate dinner at the same time as all the firefighters and when they left they waved goodnight and Davis said "bye bye". He made several friends tonight.

Thank you to the Durham Fire Station #1 Firemen!!! We will come to visit soon.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Memorial Day Visit

My parents were able to come to Durham for a quick two days earlier this week. They were staying in Williamsburg for the week so it was a little shorter of a drive for them (~3 hours). We were happy they could come spend time with us and Davis. On Memorial Day we headed to the pool for Davis's first swim of the season. He enjoyed the pool and preferred to stay in his float. Chris and Davis were the only ones to brave the water, even though Chris said it was not too bad.

Pool pictures

On Tuesday Davis played "hookie" from daycare and spent the day with his grandparents. They had a busy day from riding his bike, planting flowers in the front yard, going to the local library, and then to Costco for snacks. In true grandparent style they allowed him to drink raspberry iced tea and orange Sunkist and eat lots of different snacks. (Not sure exactly what transformation happens when parents become grandparents but I don't think they would have let us drink this when we young.) Needless to say it took some time to go through "grandparent detox" after they left. They actually witnessed a pretty impressive tantrum before they left on Tuesday. Davis is quickly approaching age 2 and has learned how to use the word "No" or "Nooooo" after basically every sentence. We are working on patience and praying for wisdom.

Gran and Pappy thanks for coming to visit !!!