Monday, December 7, 2009

Decorating for Christmas

It is hard to believe it is December.... and time to decorate for Christmas. After a little hesitation, we decided to get a Christmas tree. We were just not sure if Davis would think it is a new "toy". Chris and our friend Stephen picked out a great Frasier fir at our local Lowe's. (Yeah no tree farm close by to chop down a tree.)

Above you will see our tree getting set in the tree stand. Davis loves to play with his bat and can say bat. He even has a level swing.

Davis trying to help.... or just play with Daddy's gloves.

Don't they look so big...

Placing the first ornament with Davis.

Davis liked pulling on the hooks.

He also found the ornament box a neat new obstacle to climb on.

Family picture in front of our tree.

Aimee and Mark came to help decorate our tree. Mark just critiqued from the sofa regarding proper placement of ornaments. Aimee was a huge help and should get most of the credit for making our tree look great.

The Decorators!!!

Happy the decorating is done.