Sunday, August 22, 2010


This is just a peek into a Saturday afternoon jam session starring Chris and Davis.
Sorry the camera was not steady... I was busy laughing at Davis and his expressions!
Davis likes to sing and has been singing Hallelujah at various times throughout the weekend.

Hope you had a great weekend!
Chris, Jennifer, Davis, and Hannah

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer Reading Celebration

Well Davis and I had a busy Saturday morning. We were planning to head to our local North Durham library when I realized that the Summer Reading Celebration was taking place today at the Main Durham Library. This celebration was the culmination of a program the local library sponsored to encourage parents to read to their children at least 15 minutes each day (We successfully completed the 40 day challenge). The more days, the more prizes.... So off we went for games, books, and fun.....

We got there just as it was starting which was nice. First, Davis visited this balloon artist and she was neat to watch as she quickly twisted all different shapes in sizes into neat animals and objects.

Here is Davis's balloon... what do you think it is???

It may be hard to tell from the picture but it is a fishing pole.. he thought it was very cool and was walking around with it. Needless to say he was bumping into people and dragging it along with him because it was a little awkward to carry.

Here is Davis showing off his fishing pole....

We headed outside and he found the water area with baby pools, sprinklers, and bubbles. He decided to go fishing. Then he tried to climb into the pool in his clothes and shoes. I quickly stopped him and thought .. hmmmm I don't have any extra clothes because I had no idea that there were going to be water activities. I decided to let him go for it and we took off his shoes and shirt and let him play... He played and played in this kiddie pool for at least an hour. I kept asking if he wanted to go see the fire engine, play games with balls, or do anything else and he said NO. He entertained himself with an inflatable ball and just splashing and playing. I thought man we need one of these at home. (Of course we have an old kiddie pool we bought for Hannah several years ago and she will not get into.)


Davis wanted to go fishing again.... Unfortunately part of his balloon popped in the grass so you can tell it is shorter here... then it continued to get smaller after other balloons popped. All that is remaining is his little fish on the fishing line.

He started to lay down and lounge in the pool.

He would put his arms up so I could pull him back up and then he would lay down again and again. He finally got out after the sprinklers turned back on and were splashing him in his face. His diaper was so full of water it basically burst when I changed him......I put his shirt back on and a new diaper and let him go without pants for a short time. (Now I will try to remember to pack extra clothes in the car.)

We only spent a short time looking at the fire engine and talking with the fire fighters.

I took this picture to show you the balloons. Can you see the penguin balloon? It was amazing the things she made... cars, dinosaurs, bugs, etc.

Dunking booth

Wool E. Bull, the Durham Bulls mascot, showed up... Davis kept saying his name over and over and wanted to go look for him when he went inside. I had my camera out and ready to get a picture of Davis with Wool E. Well as soon as we got close enough to talk to him. Davis said, "No, No, No" and grabbed me tightly and leaned in close and his face turned red. We didn't get the picture.

Wool E. playing peek-a-book behind a book with Davis.

As you can tell we had a busy morning. Davis and I got a complimentary bag of chips as we left and after he finished off the bag he promptly feel asleep on the way home.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Ok so now that I have your attention. We wanted to share one of Davis's milestones. Chris and I were trying to get out the door for our church league softball game and were doing a lousy job when all of a sudden Davis looked at me and said, "Poop mommie". I ignored him briefly and then he repeated "poop" and so I asked "Did you poop or do you need to poop?". We headed upstairs for him to sit on the Big Potty. (basically this is his smaller toilet seat that sits right on top of the regular toilet seat. ) I got him on the toilet and said ok go ahead and thought here we go with the same routine. This is where I typically sit beside him and "coach" him or talk to him about going to the bathroom or read him books to distract him. BUT not today oh no... Today I quickly headed out of the bathroom to grab up several things for the game. Chris was also running around and then we heard Davis yeah "Hey!!!" and I yelled back and assured him we were coming back.

When I got back to wipe and wash hands I looked into the toilet and was shocked to see...... POOP. Davis has sat on the potty numerous times without ever peeing or pooping... even though he thinks he is. At this point I exclaimed something like "Davis you POOPED in the POTTY!!!" and clapped my hands, hugged him, and then Chris came in and also was excited and we made a big deal. He got to flush down his first poop. We quickly got a new diaper in place, washed our hands, and headed out to the game. We got in the car and decided to call Gran Newlin to tell her the big news and Davis was happy to share with her, "Poop in the potty". Yes he was proud of himself too. Who knows how long it will be until he goes to the bathroom again on the toilet. I am sure it will be when we least expect it.
(Thankfully for you we have no pictures to share. )

Sunday, August 1, 2010


This morning Davis spotted his Daddy's boots sitting by the ottoman. He had just finished breakfast and we were on our way upstairs to get dressed for church. I could see him getting this curious look on his face as he said, "BOOTS". I knew it was coming so I grabbed the camera and this is what I captured. Davis loves his Daddy's boots.

He slipped his first foot (well leg really) right in but it was a bit harder to get both boots on.

Still checking out the boots.

He did it and was thrilled at his accomplishment.

Getting them off was pretty amusing... one foot out...

Falling down after getting both feet out.

All smiles.. saying "cheese" for the camera.
Now if we could get him to put on his other shoes this easily we would be set.