Saturday, January 14, 2012

Davis's Swimming Lessions

Davis started swimming lessons last Saturday at our local YMCA. He was super excited about this new adventure and talked about it for weeks.  He woke up early last Saturday and put on his swim suit by 7AM, class started at 9:30AM. 

We wondered how he would do meeting the teachers, getting in the water, etc and he was great. He sat right on the side when instructed and listened to his teachers.  I took a couple videos to capture the fun.  This first video is from Day 1 with his floatie or "backpack" as Davis called it.  I loved seeing him trying to climb out of the pool.  If you look closely you can see his right eye is black.... yep this was from our casualty of falling down the stairs.  (No big injuries, just a gooseegg that turned into a nice bruise.... This is probably the first of many.)

This Saturday they used a barbell to swim and then had the kids try to blow bubbles and put there ears in the water.  Davis did get his ears wet and I think I saw him putting his mouth in briefly. I told him we can practice at home.  

Time for the backstroke.  Davis actually let his hair get wet. He was apprehensive at first and had his head and feet sticking up out of the water but then he relaxed some when he had the kickboard on his chest.  This one is hard to see because I only got him on the way back so you can see his head and feet kicking I think. 

Here you can see Davis jumping in. I asked him at the end what his favorite part of the class was.  He said "5 little speckled frogs".  I think that is the song they may have sung when they were all jumping in the pool.   We sit right outside of the pool area so can't hear what they are saying.  It is fun to watch him swimming and then to talk with him afterwards.  He was excited to see his videos today and wanted me to share them with you.  Hope you enjoy!!!!